latest 9 messages by mishantil

+ [2015-03-20T13:30:57Z] mishantil Hehe. To the barricades!
+ [2015-03-20T13:30:02Z] mishantil jaybe: Thank you for the advice.
+ [2015-03-20T13:29:47Z] mishantil Brilliant. So it was that was the offender (quietly compiling in the background). Glad it wasn't Jekyll acting up. :)
+ [2015-03-20T13:26:36Z] mishantil Good idea. Let me check with the guy seeing the problem.
+ [2015-03-20T13:25:29Z] mishantil Every time we save the <POST>.md and Jekyll fires a recompile of the _site, the file reappear in _posts.
+ [2015-03-20T13:24:20Z] mishantil Remove the .html-file? Currently doing that on every save of the .md-file. It reappears every time. Any hints on how we can debug?
+ [2015-03-20T13:23:08Z] mishantil None at all that I know of. Just followed the install-guide on
+ [2015-03-20T13:18:06Z] mishantil Only seeing this on OSX though. Works as expected on Ubuntu.
+ [2015-03-20T13:17:51Z] mishantil ANyone have any idea why jekyll might place a <DATE>-<POST-NAME>.html file for a <DATE>-<POST-NAME>.md file in the same directory as the .md, in addition to in the _site directory?