latest 11 messages by mithro

+ [2020-06-19T03:30:28Z] mithro The Github GraphQL API seems to have openGraphImageUrl in the docs -- is it possible to use that to update it?
+ [2020-06-19T03:10:51Z] mithro Is there a way to set the "repository's social media preview" from an API? I have a tool which generates nice preview images but I don't want to go through each repo manually to set it and I can't seem to find anything in the API documentation?
+ [2017-03-02T06:34:56Z] mithro Hi! Does anyone know an easy way to manage a set of consistent hooks for all repositories inside a github organisation? (IE We would like every repo to have the email hook setup, etc)
+ [2015-01-17T06:49:21Z] mithro thibaultcha: I'm trying to collect some statistics from the hackfest we had over the last two weeks
+ [2015-01-17T06:48:58Z] mithro thibaultcha: I'm sure I could pull the data from the API, but I was hoping that it already existed.
+ [2015-01-17T06:38:35Z] mithro I'm hoping for something like the "Public Activity" type thing users have?
+ [2015-01-17T06:37:56Z] mithro Is there a way to get all the changes to github issues for an organisation within a given period?
+ [2014-12-17T02:42:50Z] mithro Is there a way to get github to send me a notification on my own comment / actions? Sometimes I reply to a github issue via the web interface and then get confused when I find the email thread on my client because I don't see that I have already replied
+ [2014-08-03T00:51:07Z] mithro milki: was hoping there was a github issues repository which I could log it on
+ [2014-08-03T00:50:51Z] mithro milki: that is what I ended up doing
+ [2014-08-02T23:39:51Z] mithro Hi! Where can I log feature requests for github?