latest 20 messages by mjkr

+ [2015-11-11T08:38:55Z] mjkr either way, mr. scott sanicki, pls check your email!
+ [2015-11-11T08:25:22Z] mjkr is a staff available?
+ [2015-11-10T15:28:31Z] mjkr we need dns pinning
+ [2015-11-10T15:28:15Z] mjkr and cert
+ [2015-11-10T15:28:13Z] mjkr putting te correct ip addressin host does yield the correct site
+ [2015-11-10T15:27:59Z] mjkr indeed
+ [2015-11-10T15:23:45Z] mjkr woe betide all scions of the nephilim
+ [2015-11-10T15:23:13Z] mjkr with additional mitm
+ [2015-11-10T15:23:09Z] mjkr so china redirecting to this address
+ [2015-11-10T15:22:51Z] mjkr ok
+ [2015-11-10T15:20:41Z] mjkr s/ithub/github/g
+ [2015-11-10T15:20:35Z] mjkr for
+ [2015-11-10T15:20:33Z] mjkr ^dns resoluton i hijacked to the above address
+ [2015-11-10T15:20:15Z] mjkr
+ [2015-11-10T15:19:58Z] mjkr it's dns pollutioin
+ [2015-11-10T15:19:50Z] mjkr regardless, i think i've found the source of the problem
+ [2015-11-10T15:16:01Z] mjkr odd...
+ [2015-11-10T15:15:15Z] mjkr it's "openssl s_client -connect" in one line
+ [2015-11-10T15:14:57Z] mjkr erh
+ [2015-11-10T15:13:58Z] mjkr no stdout for the former line? remember to ctrl-c