latest 18 messages by mmikeww

+ [2015-10-18T03:16:39Z] mmikeww anyone have any comments on my instructions text?
+ [2015-10-18T01:53:29Z] mmikeww phubarr:
+ [2015-10-18T01:29:49Z] mmikeww but i need an expert to review my instructions
+ [2015-10-18T01:29:41Z] mmikeww thats why i'm trying to create instructions
+ [2015-10-18T01:28:39Z] mmikeww and then create a new brach of your own
+ [2015-10-18T01:28:31Z] mmikeww and checkout his branch
+ [2015-10-18T01:28:27Z] mmikeww then just download his copy
+ [2015-10-18T01:27:16Z] mmikeww i'm no expert though
+ [2015-10-18T01:26:38Z] mmikeww not both branches
+ [2015-10-18T01:26:31Z] mmikeww you only pull the new branch
+ [2015-10-18T01:23:09Z] mmikeww yea command line
+ [2015-10-18T01:22:40Z] mmikeww that may work
+ [2015-10-18T01:22:29Z] mmikeww hrm, pull the branch from his upstream repo, and then push it to your copy
+ [2015-10-18T01:20:30Z] mmikeww unless you have added work to yours?
+ [2015-10-18T01:20:17Z] mmikeww phubarr: maybe you should delete your copy and then re-fork
+ [2015-10-18T01:10:34Z] mmikeww the instructions i came up with are here:
+ [2015-10-18T01:10:24Z] mmikeww hey, i'm a beginner git user, but i plan on getting some people to help me with my project who may have no idea how to use git. i wrote some basic instructions but i'd like some feedback if i'm missing anything