latest 7 messages by molt

+ [2016-07-23T21:45:32Z] molt hey all
+ [2016-07-12T13:38:04Z] molt jhass: I appreaciate it though ;)
+ [2016-07-12T13:37:49Z] molt jhass: :) heheh.. thanks. I already did it. I guess I needed to talk it out (even to a semi-empty room)
+ [2016-07-12T13:37:08Z] molt nevermind, I figured it out. I was supposed to do 'git push' for my last command, and I also needed to tell the branch where the upstream was
+ [2016-07-12T13:31:37Z] molt hello?
+ [2016-07-12T13:29:40Z] molt I did git commit -am "My message" while in the branch on my local machine. I thin tried git pull, but get "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
+ [2016-07-12T13:28:38Z] molt hey ya'll. I'm wondering if I could get a bit of help. I forked a repo into my Github account, made a new branch on my forked copy. Cloned the fork to my local machine. Made changes on my local copy. Now I am trying to push those changes back to the branch I made on my fork in Github, but am having trouble.