latest 20 messages by mostlybadfly

+ [2016-06-14T03:09:32Z] mostlybadfly GeekDude: this is great, thank you! I'll make this change now
+ [2016-06-14T03:05:58Z] mostlybadfly ah I see what you're saying. so should the bracket syntax be within my script tag?
+ [2016-06-14T03:05:07Z] mostlybadfly i previously did ../js/app.js assuming I had to point back to the parent directory, but apparently not
+ [2016-06-14T03:04:45Z] mostlybadfly GeekDude: I had this written `<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>`
+ [2016-06-14T03:04:15Z] mostlybadfly I see ok. I think I just found something else out too
+ [2016-06-14T03:00:05Z] mostlybadfly right now I have an html file in _layouts and the corresponding .js file at '../js/app.js', but it doesn't seem to load as expected
+ [2016-06-14T02:59:24Z] mostlybadfly Hello all, I would like to include javascript for one of my pages in _layouts. Where would be the best place to place js and is there specific syntax that would be needed in the html?
+ [2015-04-04T21:36:20Z] mostlybadfly hello, anyone get a chance to check out the question from earlier? had to leave for a bit
+ [2015-04-04T15:03:30Z] mostlybadfly i guess i'm looking for something similar to this
+ [2015-04-04T15:00:44Z] mostlybadfly my question would be, is there a way to put those sub pages in another directory and have then still render when i navigate to localhost:4000/newpage/anotherpage ?
+ [2015-04-04T15:00:09Z] mostlybadfly i'm working on adding new pages in my site. I know that i can create a new md in the main directory with `permalink: /newpage/' and it will give me localhost:4000/newpage, and i can also create a new md going to `/newpage/anotherpage/'
+ [2014-11-03T12:19:32Z] mostlybadfly I'll have to play around with it later I'm on vacation and was just checking it out during some downtime
+ [2014-11-03T12:18:35Z] mostlybadfly I bet my problem is I forked a build but didn't actually run Jekyll build in the directory I'm working from
+ [2014-11-03T12:18:08Z] mostlybadfly That error went away but now it can't load jekyll-sitmap
+ [2014-11-03T12:14:40Z] mostlybadfly Yes. I think it is because the config.yml file has a gem declared without a gemfile
+ [2014-11-03T11:16:29Z] mostlybadfly anyone seen an error like this? /home/mostlybadfly/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jemoji (LoadError)
+ [2014-11-03T11:10:17Z] mostlybadfly not because i wasn't aware, just didn't really think to I guess
+ [2014-11-03T11:10:02Z] mostlybadfly been doing editing in the browser the whole time, haha