latest 11 messages by moviuro

+ [2016-06-14T19:34:48Z] moviuro
+ [2016-06-14T19:34:11Z] moviuro inni: there should be a warning
+ [2016-06-14T19:29:19Z] moviuro how about making it default, for people like myself who happen to miswrite a date?
+ [2016-06-14T19:26:45Z] moviuro this would have been helpful
+ [2016-06-14T19:26:35Z] moviuro "post has been psoted in the future, ignoring!"
+ [2016-06-14T19:26:11Z] moviuro But hey, seriously, jekyll is broken here
+ [2016-06-14T19:26:00Z] moviuro thanks miklb
+ [2016-06-14T19:25:51Z] moviuro okay, so that was fast
+ [2016-06-14T19:24:06Z] moviuro it just doesn't show up anywhere
+ [2016-06-14T19:23:55Z] moviuro the blog post looks fine, I get no error when running $ jekyll serve
+ [2016-06-14T19:23:25Z] moviuro Hi all! I have an issue and feel like I'm going to nuke my blog :) simply put: jekyll does not put my latest blog post into the blog. I tried removing _site/ but to no avail!