latest 8 messages by mrtn

+ [2015-01-27T17:35:42Z] mrtn or some helpers for working with pages and tags and a way to list pages of given tags within markdown and to link easily to a keyword (probably page)
+ [2015-01-27T17:34:50Z] mrtn Any existing and usable solutions for having a "wiki" kind of thing within jekyll ?
+ [2014-10-15T07:21:22Z] mrtn Something like So that I could query "give me all e-mail addresses of commiters who have an e-mail address ending with a given country tld" ?
+ [2014-10-15T07:20:48Z] mrtn commits
+ [2014-10-15T07:20:45Z] mrtn Hello. Is there a "big data" information about github ?
+ [2014-10-09T15:51:43Z] mrtn or at least have a link to some authoritative source ?
+ [2014-10-09T15:51:33Z] mrtn or some overall for example, so that when the rules that apply to all projects in the organization change, only one file could be changed ?
+ [2014-10-09T15:51:09Z] mrtn Is there a way to have organization-geneirc repos ?