latest 20 messages by musicmatze

+ [2015-09-28T21:04:34Z] musicmatze Has someone had a similar problem?
+ [2015-09-28T21:03:53Z] musicmatze Hi I have a problem with jekyll rendering github gists as it would be markdown... I'm not sure whether it is my fault, the fault of jekyll-gist or whatever...
+ [2015-09-22T14:07:16Z] musicmatze okay. Sounds good to me. I hope I can fulfill my dreams with jekyll, thank you!
+ [2015-09-22T14:06:20Z] musicmatze I mean, can I generate a website with... 10k pages in a good time?
+ [2015-09-22T14:06:04Z] musicmatze Anyways, do you have experience on how jekyll scales?
+ [2015-09-22T14:05:54Z] musicmatze yep, I already added a note to the gist. And I filed a bug in jekyll issues, I guess this should be closed then... I'm not sure. Haml support in jekyll would be damn nice.
+ [2015-09-22T14:03:36Z] musicmatze Look above. I integrated a gist which enables HAML parsing (found the link on / plugins)
+ [2015-09-22T14:02:46Z] musicmatze I want haml because it is better than writing layouts in html!
+ [2015-09-22T14:02:37Z] musicmatze what do you mean?
+ [2015-09-22T13:46:51Z] musicmatze -.- wrong markup, sorry. The HAML problem exists anyways
+ [2015-09-22T13:45:12Z] musicmatze can someone tell me why Liquid Tags cannot be used in layouts?
+ [2015-09-22T12:13:08Z] musicmatze with --trace I can see that it is raised in #9 of transform_layouts.rb (I did the modifications from the comment of the gist)
+ [2015-09-22T12:12:24Z] musicmatze but when compiling, I get: jekyll 2.5.3 | Error: undefined local variable or method `path' for #<Jekyll::Layout:0x0000000208fd20>
+ [2015-09-22T12:12:05Z] musicmatze ah damn, sorry. I meant
+ [2015-09-22T12:11:54Z] musicmatze and Https:// *
+ [2015-09-22T12:11:49Z] musicmatze and ttps://
+ [2015-09-22T12:11:44Z] musicmatze I used
+ [2015-09-22T12:11:42Z] musicmatze Hi #jekyll. I have a problem with integrating HAML (for my layouts) can someone help me?
+ [2014-08-05T16:22:33Z] musicmatze so ... github is the best solution for us.