latest 7 messages by musonic

+ [2013-10-25T16:03:02Z] musonic ok, so I've just tried it in another browser. This time the content appears for a second and then disappears.... wtf!
+ [2013-10-25T16:01:32Z] musonic i've got a very very weird situation where if I look at the compiled html file in my ide then all the content is there but for some reason it is not being rendered by the browser??!?!
+ [2013-10-25T15:57:08Z] musonic hi anyone there who can give me a hand for a second?
+ [2013-07-16T11:52:08Z] musonic does anyone have any experience of implementing the flickr api with a jekyll site?
+ [2013-07-09T10:25:14Z] musonic anyone?
+ [2013-07-09T10:09:36Z] musonic my command line hasn't come back with a prompt
+ [2013-07-09T10:09:24Z] musonic newbie question... I've just started a local server for the first time. How do I now stop it?!