latest 5 messages by mutsayu

+ [2015-12-03T21:35:14Z] mutsayu and all those things
+ [2015-12-03T21:35:07Z] mutsayu how can I display in javascript the "\r" and "\n" I have in my content I wanna display?
+ [2015-12-03T15:01:41Z] mutsayu I am working on a project with github api and I have my application that uses oauth, but how do I get 5000 req per hour available? docs says I have to pass in my client_id and client_secret but that ain't working when I curl some data.. it still says 60 limit
+ [2015-11-30T18:39:06Z] mutsayu I am doing a project using the Github API in AngularJS. They should be able to login with their github account. How can I send the user credentials with the $http request in angular? to what url to authenticate?
+ [2015-11-28T09:41:07Z] mutsayu how can I create my own <username>