latest 5 messages by mvarrieur

+ [2014-02-14T20:23:29Z] mvarrieur When using jekyll if I have a {% capture %} block within a {% for %} loop it compiles to a bunch of there anything I can do?
+ [2014-02-14T17:57:28Z] mvarrieur jaybe: Seems to be working but now my comparison is not working...probably has to do with whitespace or something but thank you very much at least I'm on the right path
+ [2014-02-14T17:50:24Z] mvarrieur jaybe: That makes sense, I'll try that now
+ [2014-02-14T17:48:39Z] mvarrieur jaybe: Thanks but I seem to be having an issue with the capture block when I try to generate I'm getting an exception. I was hoping to do something like {% if tag | downcase == page.tag %} but it doesn't work either
+ [2014-02-14T17:33:01Z] mvarrieur Is there a comparison in liquid templating that's case agnostic?