latest 20 messages by n00bi3

+ [2014-07-23T13:55:27Z] n00bi3 Thanks all!
+ [2014-07-23T13:55:24Z] n00bi3 Okay I could refer it as member[1].text and member[1].url.
+ [2014-07-23T13:41:12Z] n00bi3 So this is basically an array of hashes where in each hash contains another hash?
+ [2014-07-23T13:34:58Z] n00bi3 But you can't get the home bit in the loop.
+ [2014-07-23T13:34:47Z] n00bi3 I think member.text doesn't mean anything; member.home.text does.
+ [2014-07-23T13:34:21Z] n00bi3 fluxsource: Nope that doesn't seem to be working
+ [2014-07-23T13:32:38Z] n00bi3 Say, loop through an arrive at all the texts for instance?
+ [2014-07-23T13:32:18Z] n00bi3 How would you loop through the navigation?
+ [2014-07-23T13:32:06Z] n00bi3 Yeah.
+ [2014-07-23T13:32:02Z] n00bi3 I mean, how would I say site.navigation.<>.text?
+ [2014-07-23T13:31:46Z] n00bi3 fluxsource: With your solution, would "for member in site.navigation" still work?
+ [2014-07-23T13:29:35Z] n00bi3 Thanks. This is great though!
+ [2014-07-23T13:29:13Z] n00bi3 Since the YAML was structured differently before
+ [2014-07-23T13:29:01Z] n00bi3 I mean my existing usage of site.navigation broke down.
+ [2014-07-23T13:28:39Z] n00bi3 but it broke everything else
+ [2014-07-23T13:28:34Z] n00bi3 Ok it worked
+ [2014-07-23T13:26:48Z] n00bi3 why's that?
+ [2014-07-23T13:24:40Z] n00bi3 Let me try that out.
+ [2014-07-23T13:24:36Z] n00bi3 Interesting.
+ [2014-07-23T13:23:46Z] n00bi3 {{ site.url }}/blog is what I have now.