latest 15 messages by n8o

+ [2014-11-26T03:48:05Z] n8o i dunno if you're doing what I'm doing, but this code is filtering out every second result
+ [2014-11-26T03:45:50Z] n8o i had to do this:
+ [2014-11-26T03:40:45Z] n8o once for the name of the file, then again for the data it contains
+ [2014-11-26T03:40:36Z] n8o problem is that it actually iterates the contents twice
+ [2014-11-26T03:40:22Z] n8o does it? haha, try to go derper
+ [2014-11-26T03:34:46Z] n8o i mean within a {% for data in %}
+ [2014-11-26T03:33:31Z] n8o tips?
+ [2014-11-26T03:33:29Z] n8o it iterates the right number of times, it prints out the complete data if I just {{ data }} but I can't access properties
+ [2014-11-26T03:33:05Z] n8o i can't seem to iterate over .yml files in a folder within _data
+ [2014-11-16T03:05:08Z] n8o is there a way to assign a given data file for a given file, so that I can turn _data/product1.json into product1.html
+ [2014-11-16T03:04:37Z] n8o pontiki: _data is interesting
+ [2014-11-15T22:32:13Z] n8o right now I have a page for each with a giant yaml front matter section and nearly no content. is there a better way?
+ [2014-11-15T22:31:47Z] n8o i don't really have a single 'content' block, I have a bunch per app: feature lists, description, screenshots, icon
+ [2014-11-15T22:31:12Z] n8o trying to make my first jekyll site: a series of product pages for my iPhone apps
+ [2014-11-15T22:30:57Z] n8o hello!