latest 20 messages by nahtnam

+ [2015-08-09T22:08:43Z] nahtnam and it worked
+ [2015-08-09T22:08:42Z] nahtnam danieli: I deleted the repo, created, and then recreated the repo
+ [2015-08-09T21:59:14Z] nahtnam *blog
+ [2015-08-09T21:59:12Z] nahtnam I am getting that error with blogb
+ [2015-08-09T21:58:31Z] nahtnam
+ [2015-08-09T21:58:27Z] nahtnam I am getting this error: Your site is having problems building: Validation failed: User must be a human, not an Organization
+ [2015-08-09T21:58:24Z] nahtnam I am trying to setup a jekyll blog
+ [2015-07-13T06:14:24Z] nahtnam Not gonna use submodules
+ [2015-07-13T06:05:30Z] nahtnam Should I just not use submodules Seveas?
+ [2015-07-13T05:59:45Z] nahtnam Whats wrong with it?
+ [2015-07-13T05:59:41Z] nahtnam Is it not a good idea?
+ [2015-07-13T05:57:40Z] nahtnam Seveas: Because ember-cli did it, and I think it would be a good idea to sort of be seperate
+ [2015-07-13T05:53:08Z] nahtnam essentially its completely part of the app
+ [2015-07-13T05:52:52Z] nahtnam so when you run rails server, it loads the ember app
+ [2015-07-13T05:52:46Z] nahtnam and uses it
+ [2015-07-13T05:52:44Z] nahtnam Rails loads the ember app
+ [2015-07-13T05:52:37Z] nahtnam Seveas: Because they are dependent on each other
+ [2015-07-13T05:49:08Z] nahtnam and I want them to be together but separate...
+ [2015-07-13T05:48:55Z] nahtnam Seveas: Because I have a rails app and an ember app inside