latest 15 messages by napster

+ [2016-02-26T11:42:46Z] napster ok got it fixed. Thanks anyway.
+ [2016-02-26T11:40:25Z] napster baseurl: ""
+ [2016-02-26T11:40:24Z] napster highlighter: pygments
+ [2016-02-26T11:40:24Z] napster markdown: kramdown
+ [2016-02-26T11:40:22Z] napster # Build settings
+ [2016-02-26T11:39:10Z] napster Tried one obvious thing. Removed all posts from _posts and recreated the entire blog again. Only the newly added posts are missing.
+ [2016-02-26T11:38:06Z] napster Mac OSX
+ [2016-02-26T11:37:59Z] napster Running Jekyll version 3.1.2
+ [2016-02-26T11:37:27Z] napster What could be the reason I'm not able to add new posts to my jekyll blog? I created a new post file as per the specs, run jekyll serve --incremental, but the new post is not coming up on the _site
+ [2015-05-17T04:12:51Z] napster Any ideas?
+ [2015-05-17T03:26:03Z] napster I need this to do some way quite professionally. Without manual work.
+ [2015-05-17T03:25:15Z] napster I don't want to upload images somewhere first and grab the URL to include in the post text
+ [2015-05-17T03:24:30Z] napster I host a jekyll blog on Github. The way I do it is a bit different. I host the Jekyll blog locally and I build the site locally and uploads to the github repo as static html pages. What is the best way to include images in my blog?
+ [2015-05-10T06:35:09Z] napster I serve my pages from github
+ [2015-05-10T06:35:00Z] napster What is the best way to insert images in a jekyll site?