latest 4 messages by nateive

+ [2015-04-02T17:56:14Z] nateive thanks stevecrozz - ok s3 would be another option thanks
+ [2015-04-02T17:50:30Z] nateive Hey guy, I have a little server at digitalocean and I am not sure if it is better to host jekyll there or directly on github pages? What would be better for performance?
+ [2015-04-01T21:03:39Z] nateive thanks guys, I actually already have the 5$ plan at DO but still not sure if I want it to host there or if there any benefits of hosting it on the github pages
+ [2015-04-01T20:06:49Z] nateive hey guys, what do you think will be better: [1]host jekyll on github pages [2] host on a 5$ digitalocean droplet?