latest 10 messages by ne1

+ [2015-10-16T03:24:32Z] ne1 yes i see now
+ [2015-10-16T03:21:16Z] ne1 thx
+ [2015-10-16T03:21:14Z] ne1 ok
+ [2015-10-16T03:20:41Z] ne1 im going to try the fork
+ [2015-10-16T03:20:33Z] ne1 it's a public repository
+ [2015-10-16T03:19:01Z] ne1 i can only do it thru a fork?
+ [2015-10-16T03:18:49Z] ne1 no
+ [2015-10-16T03:08:30Z] ne1 but im getting permission denied for pushing to the branch i made
+ [2015-10-16T03:08:20Z] ne1 i tried making a pull request
+ [2015-10-16T03:06:22Z] ne1 hello