latest 13 messages by necom

+ [2015-07-07T04:17:08Z] necom Thx much for the tips. I think I get this now. Just needed a tweak to how I was trying to do it.
+ [2015-07-07T04:11:28Z] necom ok, cool. I have really felt clunky once I started down the whole "play nice with others" route through using git. :)
+ [2015-07-07T04:10:31Z] necom seems like I should be able to tell my repo to do this upstream sync
+ [2015-07-07T04:09:58Z] necom ok, ty. I had just dug into that too.
+ [2015-07-07T04:08:46Z] necom ahh.. hmm
+ [2015-07-07T04:07:27Z] necom seems strange I can't do what I think is just a fetch from the original.. that seems to be the way to do it if you have a local copy.
+ [2015-07-07T04:06:58Z] necom yeah, I thought same
+ [2015-07-07T04:06:44Z] necom so it was forked one day and then maybe two months later, I was going to try getting it current and then clone it locally, etc.
+ [2015-07-07T04:06:18Z] necom Motoko, I actually didn't do anything w/ it. I just had made the fork a while ago and finally got around to setting down to do some work, so I wanted to get current before making my own branch.
+ [2015-07-07T03:25:22Z] necom I've been reading a bunch and don't see any obvious way to clear that up, or really whether to worry about it or not. Any help/advice would be appreciated, please. :)
+ [2015-07-07T03:24:25Z] necom Now I'm seeing my repo on github is showing "This branch is 1 commit ahead of XXX", which seems broken-ish. I'm concerned that if I do some work and then end up doing a PR up to the original project I'm forked from, it will include some noise from this commit I did to get my fork updated.
+ [2015-07-07T03:22:35Z] necom I was just going to delete it, but figured I'd try to "do it properly" and followed this instruction:
+ [2015-07-07T03:21:50Z] necom Hiya. I had a fork I created a while back and now I just wanted to get it updated on my github account before cloning my fork and doing some work...