latest 17 messages by negerns

+ [2014-11-11T19:18:35Z] negerns and also, how do you display {% raw %} and {% endraw %} as paragraph texts?
+ [2014-11-11T19:12:57Z] negerns now both doesn't work... how was that?
+ [2014-11-11T19:02:17Z] negerns {% raw %}~~~ cpp{% endraw %} works but not {% raw %}~~~{% endraw %}
+ [2014-11-11T14:59:07Z] negerns tnx for the suggestion jaybe
+ [2014-11-11T14:58:45Z] negerns oh i see
+ [2014-11-11T14:58:03Z] negerns jaybe, how is that variable to be used?
+ [2014-11-11T14:57:37Z] negerns but wrapping it inside <pre></pre> tags does not highlight the code inside - but that's fine for now i guess
+ [2014-11-11T14:57:07Z] negerns what i did was just wrap the 'code' in <pre></pre> and style it like it would be inside a fenced code block
+ [2014-11-11T14:56:30Z] negerns using {% raw %} doesn't seem to work
+ [2014-11-11T14:56:12Z] negerns jaybe, i wanted to show how to display codes using the 'code fence'...
+ [2014-11-11T14:55:39Z] negerns wsmoak, no i couldn't :)
+ [2014-11-11T13:29:44Z] negerns I want the ~~~cpp to appear in the display
+ [2014-11-11T13:29:42Z] negerns I want to display how to use fenced code block using the 3 tilde. How do I do this? I'm using redcarpet markdown
+ [2014-11-11T07:16:39Z] negerns I want the ~~~cpp to appear in the display
+ [2014-11-11T07:15:42Z] negerns I want to display how to use fenced code block using the 3 tilde. How do I do this? I'm using redcarpet markdown
+ [2014-11-07T04:16:14Z] negerns actually it's more about GitHub Pages code highlighting
+ [2014-11-07T04:15:49Z] negerns I hae a question about Is this the right place to ask?