latest 15 messages by neuro_sys

+ [2016-07-16T17:53:09Z] neuro_sys uh, does anyone know a website to convert markdown to pdf? seem to have b0rked
+ [2016-06-30T09:00:24Z] neuro_sys tobiasvl: so using github merely as a cloud database as is the case here is a valid use and not abuse of terms?
+ [2016-06-30T08:57:10Z] neuro_sys is there a limit to repository size for github?
+ [2016-06-30T08:56:54Z] neuro_sys yeah encrypted
+ [2016-06-30T08:56:11Z] neuro_sys base64 for starters
+ [2016-06-30T08:55:16Z] neuro_sys so someone's pushing their GPS and Heartbeat status to github
+ [2016-06-30T08:53:21Z] neuro_sys btw, I'm curious what this repo is about, it looks odd with a commit every a few seconds:
+ [2016-06-30T08:53:03Z] neuro_sys but then it requires a certain user or repository for tracking the events of though
+ [2016-06-30T08:47:59Z] neuro_sys a realtime stream of events that is
+ [2016-06-30T08:47:46Z] neuro_sys where does github provide the data as shown here?
+ [2015-03-05T18:41:52Z] neuro_sys
+ [2015-03-05T18:41:50Z] neuro_sys Umm, did github api v3 remove commit history from /events resource?