latest 20 messages by nevvkid_

+ [2014-08-10T11:12:12Z] nevvkid_ pampuchy > for example for a portfolio or agency website - collections can be used for projects or for gallerys with photos...
+ [2014-08-09T15:29:39Z] nevvkid_ asdofindia you can have the whole loop in one line :D
+ [2014-08-09T15:20:06Z] nevvkid_ whats wrong about a loop?
+ [2014-08-09T15:17:40Z] nevvkid_ asdofindia didn't try it but the last one here seams reasonable
+ [2014-08-07T15:40:48Z] nevvkid_ it works just like in django. thanks
+ [2014-08-07T15:37:10Z] nevvkid_ hi there is it possible to write multiline comments in jekyll templates - they should be excluded from rendering > like {% comment %} {% endcomment %} in django
+ [2014-08-04T15:31:24Z] nevvkid_ there is a solution somehow but i can't remember it right now :)
+ [2014-08-04T15:28:10Z] nevvkid_ base-url bug?
+ [2014-08-04T15:22:35Z] nevvkid_ and check your version with jekyll --version
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:27Z] nevvkid_ bundle install
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:25Z] nevvkid_ than > bundle update
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:08Z] nevvkid_ gem 'github-pages'
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:08Z] nevvkid_ source ''
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:07Z] nevvkid_ than add this to your new gemfile
+ [2014-08-04T15:19:00Z] nevvkid_ bundle init
+ [2014-08-04T15:18:54Z] nevvkid_ trynemjoel
+ [2014-08-01T18:31:25Z] nevvkid_ anyway its really nice to have sass support on github pages
+ [2014-08-01T18:30:37Z] nevvkid_ ok. sure. i forgot about that :)
+ [2014-08-01T18:29:59Z] nevvkid_ hi parkr is it possible to deactivate the sass compiler in the config.yml for github pages? for example in the case i use gulp ...?
+ [2014-08-01T17:54:35Z] nevvkid_ albertogg does -w --watch work for sass and their imports / partials also?