latest 5 messages by nick___

+ [2015-02-21T09:04:07Z] nick___ I can fetch the files using php tough. I wonder if jekyll automatically loads /about/index.php if I go to /about on my website
+ [2015-02-21T08:58:48Z] nick___ I think trying to fetch the files via javascript might give me cross origin errors
+ [2015-02-21T08:57:54Z] nick___ I saw that there is a gist tag to embed gists ( and hence was wondering if there is a similar tag for embeding github code files
+ [2015-02-21T08:30:39Z] nick___ For example: I want to return the contents of whenever is accessed
+ [2015-02-21T08:27:53Z] nick___ Hi I have a website hosted on github pages. I want to return the contents of a github code file (sample.cpp) whenever code.html is accessed on my website. Any suggestions on how can I do this?