latest 7 messages by nielsenramon

+ [2015-11-25T15:24:24Z] nielsenramon Thats the weird thing, I even set it in circle ci to 2.2.3
+ [2015-11-25T15:10:30Z] nielsenramon Yeah I'm not using it as well
+ [2015-11-25T15:08:25Z] nielsenramon I did not get the answer sorry can you repeat please?
+ [2015-11-25T14:08:34Z] nielsenramon This is the jekyll error: jekyll 3.0.1 | Error: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag 'when' bundle exec jekyll build returned exit code 1
+ [2015-11-25T14:02:20Z] nielsenramon Hey guys, I am running `bundle exec jekyll build` on circle ci and receive the following error: `Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag 'when' in vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/liquid-3.0.6/lib/liquid/locales/en.yml`