latest 9 messages by nitinjekyll

+ [2014-12-06T19:53:39Z] nitinjekyll jaybe: Here's the issue, with the added note
+ [2014-12-06T19:51:06Z] nitinjekyll I'll leave a note on the issue just in case
+ [2014-12-06T19:49:53Z] nitinjekyll jaybe: The current source code from git works. Perhaps it's broken in the release.
+ [2014-12-06T19:47:04Z] nitinjekyll jaybe: I'll give the current git source a try with jekyll docs. It failed with the files I got from a gem install jekyll (there's a bug posted on jekyll-help too)
+ [2014-12-06T19:30:06Z] nitinjekyll jekyll docs has been broken for a while
+ [2014-12-06T19:21:06Z] nitinjekyll Not that it's complicated or anything, but getting an overview of the way it's been laid out would help.
+ [2014-12-06T19:19:58Z] nitinjekyll Do we have a developer documentation to get started with tinkering out the source code?
+ [2014-12-06T19:19:21Z] nitinjekyll I've been trying to analyze the Jekyll source code