latest 7 messages by njumdl2014

+ [2016-05-01T01:12:32Z] njumdl2014 I am newbie for ruby. What does this error mean?
+ [2016-05-01T01:12:06Z] njumdl2014 NoMethodError: undefined method `ask' for main:Object
+ [2016-04-30T18:44:34Z] njumdl2014 I used to see `rake post title="Hello World"`. Is there any Rakefile template for me to do this command?
+ [2016-04-30T18:40:02Z] njumdl2014 In debian, I didn't find rake command, but only rake2.1. When I executed this command, it showed me no RakeFile. May someone tell me the semantics of this file?
+ [2016-04-29T22:20:09Z] njumdl2014 jekyll is great to host my blog on github.