latest 8 messages by nolageek

+ [2016-09-14T14:33:13Z] nolageek yeah, I don't make any change to my local copy, other than the necessary things to the config.conf file. I'll probably git reset like you said if anything pops up.
+ [2016-09-14T14:31:16Z] nolageek yeah, that's what I was thinking I'll end up doing. But there' different ways to do most things so waned to see what was recommended.
+ [2016-09-14T14:30:23Z] nolageek so, if it gets merged will I need to do anything to prevent issues?
+ [2016-09-14T14:30:00Z] nolageek Quite a few people have - that's why I was like I'm just going to try it out myself.
+ [2016-09-14T14:29:14Z] nolageek that's what I was thinking - I just really wanted to try it out. :) Impatience is not a virtue.
+ [2016-09-14T14:28:03Z] nolageek Will this cause problems going forward when updating the master? ('git pull')
+ [2016-09-14T14:27:48Z] nolageek I mainly use git to install and maintain software, not really doing any development myself. I saw there was an unmerged PR on one of the github repos I cloned that added functionality I needed so I did a 'git pull origin pull/###' as per instructions I found. That worked and the functionality is working.
+ [2016-09-13T05:16:39Z] nolageek I'm not using git/github for development on a project, as much as I used it to install software i wanted to run on my server. What's the best way to pull (merge, cherry-pick?) a feature that was added to a fork but hasn't yet been merged to the master?