latest 20 messages by nomad

+ [2013-09-10T03:17:39Z] nomad problem was resolved, needed to merge upstream and limit directory_watcher:
+ [2013-09-10T01:43:02Z] nomad blarg
+ [2013-09-10T01:42:57Z] nomad regeneration: 1 files changed [2013-09-09 18:42:37] regeneration: 1 files changed
+ [2013-09-10T01:42:54Z] nomad still no luck: [2013-09-09 18:42:29] regeneration: 1 files changed [2013-09-09 18:42:33]
+ [2013-09-10T01:36:39Z] nomad bbs
+ [2013-09-10T01:36:36Z] nomad right on. in a similar reach, about to reboot
+ [2013-09-10T01:36:11Z] nomad no applescript
+ [2013-09-10T01:36:03Z] nomad first time I've seen this problem. have used rake watch successfully last week
+ [2013-09-10T01:35:14Z] nomad os x 10.6.8
+ [2013-09-10T01:34:48Z] nomad [2013-09-09 18:34:22] regeneration: 1 files changed
+ [2013-09-10T01:34:39Z] nomad [2013-09-09 18:34:18] regeneration: 1 files changed
+ [2013-09-10T01:34:25Z] nomad [2013-09-09 18:34:14] regeneration: 1 files changed
+ [2013-09-10T01:34:25Z] nomad still every 4 s
+ [2013-09-10T01:33:05Z] nomad craptacular
+ [2013-09-10T01:32:03Z] nomad if there is any
+ [2013-09-10T01:31:57Z] nomad is there a way to turn up the jekyll preview logging?
+ [2013-09-10T01:31:11Z] nomad closed my editor to make sure it wasn't swap files. still seeing updates
+ [2013-09-10T01:10:09Z] nomad I'm not changing anything. `rake watch` thinks a change is happening every 4 seconds. cpu to 100%. unsure how to find what rake is seeing
+ [2013-09-10T01:04:27Z] nomad -v / --verbose mode seems to tell me less
+ [2013-09-10T01:03:45Z] nomad [2013-09-09 17:45:48] regeneration: 1 files changed [2013-09-09 17:45:52] regeneration: 1 files changed [2013-09-09 17:45:56] regeneration: 1 files changed [2013-09-09 17:46:00] regeneration: 1 files changed