latest 6 messages by nonasuomy_

+ [2016-10-16T16:23:10Z] nonasuomy_ Would still like to know about the line number stuff for liquid if any knows.
+ [2016-10-16T16:06:55Z] nonasuomy_ guess I need to use the {% raw %} tag around it
+ [2016-10-16T16:05:15Z] nonasuomy_ so it was because I was putting {% %} inside ``` ```
+ [2016-10-16T15:48:41Z] nonasuomy_ Liquid Exception: no implicit conversion of nil into String in _posts/ bundler: failed to load command: jekyll (/usr/bin/jekyll) TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
+ [2016-10-16T15:44:27Z] nonasuomy_ Hi is there a way to show where liquid failed with a line number while running jekyll, I found this but not sure where to "set the line_numbers option to true for Template.parse"