latest 15 messages by nondo

+ [2017-01-23T10:21:53Z] nondo canton7: Yes, exactly. That's so important.
+ [2017-01-23T10:20:53Z] nondo canton7: Ok, I'll be discussing this with a team-mate soon. I'll bring this up at that time. Thanks. I'm leaving the .git/info/exclude part for now, is that cool?
+ [2017-01-23T10:19:02Z] nondo canton7: Yes.
+ [2017-01-23T10:18:33Z] nondo canton7: Or in all directories?
+ [2017-01-23T10:18:18Z] nondo canton7: I'll do the git rm --cached in the root directory of the fork I'm using right?
+ [2017-01-23T10:16:23Z] nondo canton7: Yes.
+ [2017-01-23T10:15:19Z] nondo Because in the parent repo there's nothing other than node_modules in the .gitignore.
+ [2017-01-23T10:14:08Z] nondo canton7: Exactly that's the problem.
+ [2017-01-23T10:13:48Z] nondo canton7: I removed it from .gitignore as well.
+ [2017-01-23T10:13:23Z] nondo canton7: I've done that but the same conflict keeps arising.
+ [2017-01-23T10:12:32Z] nondo canton7: From what I've made out from the conflicting files list is that I've to use the exact .DS_Store files as in the parent repo respectively.
+ [2017-01-23T09:32:48Z] nondo Why are .DS_Store files not appearing in Github Desktop?
+ [2017-01-23T07:11:29Z] nondo Not to savvy with git from command line, any help much appreciated.
+ [2017-01-23T07:08:12Z] nondo I tried from command line, when I do git status it says > On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean
+ [2017-01-23T07:07:00Z] nondo <<< How to resolve this conflict?