latest 16 messages by norm_

+ [2016-08-14T23:49:22Z] norm_ Not planning on using version control, and wasn't sure if this was required for building a new theme
+ [2016-08-14T23:49:01Z] norm_ Hi. When I give jekyll the new-theme command, I get "Error: No such file or directory - git". I don't have git installed. Do I need it?
+ [2016-08-06T02:24:42Z] norm_ thanks
+ [2016-08-06T02:24:41Z] norm_ ah ok i did that when i installed. that makes sense
+ [2016-08-06T02:24:19Z] norm_ like that?
+ [2016-08-06T02:24:15Z] norm_ mchelen2: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+ [2016-08-06T02:06:17Z] norm_ yeah I thought it was. But funny... it was working fine before I reset, and I had the "login shell" setting unchecked the whole time
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:43Z] norm_ Thank you, though!
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:31Z] norm_ wasn't running terminal as login shell. Man, RVM is weird
+ [2016-08-06T02:03:19Z] norm_ Oh hi mchelen2 sorry I just figured it out a second a go
+ [2016-08-06T01:45:03Z] norm_ like I hit the off button on my pc
+ [2016-08-06T01:41:05Z] norm_ now all of a sudden jekyll is not recognized as a command, and niether is gem. Is this normal behavior?
+ [2016-08-06T01:40:44Z] norm_ got it running fine. But had to do a hard reset on this machine when something crashed (not during installation)
+ [2016-08-06T01:40:14Z] norm_ I installed jekyll through gem. I read that's the right way to do it
+ [2016-08-06T01:39:44Z] norm_ hmm maybe
+ [2016-08-06T01:39:02Z] norm_ Hi. Has anyone ever installed jekyll on Ubuntu or Linux Mint here?