latest 18 messages by north_coaster

+ [2015-02-27T20:26:54Z] north_coaster jaybe : will do. I'm still new to CLI and gems, and even still I'm def more of a frontend web guy
+ [2015-02-27T20:24:49Z] north_coaster jaybe : `gem cleanup` worked. Thanks a million! What does the cleanup command do exactly? for future reference
+ [2015-02-27T20:21:59Z] north_coaster jaybe : ` /Users/<USERNAME>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/safe_yaml-1.0.4/lib/safe_yaml/psych_resolver.rb:4:in `<class:PsychResolver>': uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes (NameError) `
+ [2015-02-27T20:20:56Z] north_coaster jaybe : I get that same error code
+ [2015-02-27T20:15:15Z] north_coaster jaybe : ` Regenerating: 1 file(s) changed at 2015-02-27 13:28:06 Error reading file /Users/<USERNAME>/<DIR1>/<DIR2>/_posts/<POSTNAME>.markdown: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 26 `
+ [2015-02-27T20:14:48Z] north_coaster jaybe : thing is, I never had any issues until today. Last night, it was working perfectly fine. This is the last error message I had while running the Jekyll server :
+ [2015-02-27T20:10:54Z] north_coaster jaybe : I should I just got notified of that earlier, and the native software update ran, so I assume I did. how can I check for sure?
+ [2015-02-27T20:09:50Z] north_coaster jaybe : okay I'll refrain from doing that in the future. any other tips for my current issues?
+ [2015-02-27T19:58:53Z] north_coaster jaybe : as admin `sudo gem install jekyll`
+ [2015-02-27T19:56:53Z] north_coaster Mac OS X v10.9.4 Mavericks / via ruby gems CLI
+ [2015-02-27T19:54:39Z] north_coaster Seems to be an issue with the safe_yaml gem. I can post the full error log if need be.
+ [2015-02-27T19:54:04Z] north_coaster jaybe : /Users/<USERNAME>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/safe_yaml-1.0.4/lib/safe_yaml/psych_resolver.rb:4:in `<class:PsychResolver>': uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes (NameError)
+ [2015-02-27T19:53:57Z] north_coaster jaybe : I'm getting the following error in my CLI when I try to run the Jekyll executable
+ [2015-02-27T19:47:24Z] north_coaster tried reinstalling, same error
+ [2015-02-27T19:47:12Z] north_coaster I'm having some trouble spinning up Jekyll ... problem with dependency gem