latest 6 messages by nucular

+ [2015-10-05T14:06:49Z] nucular that's weird
+ [2015-10-05T14:06:46Z] nucular huh, it seems to just ignore unknown filter names
+ [2015-10-05T13:57:27Z] nucular I'm trying to build a keyword index using {{ post.content | split:" " | uniq | jsonify }} but it doesn't work as expected
+ [2015-10-05T13:56:45Z] nucular Is it me or doesn't the uniq filter work for strings?
+ [2015-10-03T12:48:10Z] nucular ..nevermind, I'm stupid
+ [2015-10-03T12:47:20Z] nucular Hey, is there any way to assign a filtered expression to a variable (or even pass it as an include parameter)?