latest 4 messages by nuge

+ [2015-09-07T22:52:45Z] nuge thibaultcha - really appreciate the feedback - i have an org already setup - but have held off deoploying till i got a better sense
+ [2015-09-07T22:43:05Z] nuge thibaultcha - that makes sense - would you consider it generally secure for corporate repos?
+ [2015-09-07T20:20:14Z] nuge hey guys - i'm thinking about moving my private repositories all into github - any opinions on security risks? - we have both private and public repos at the moment
+ [2015-06-27T03:55:47Z] nuge i'm still new to github, and have been talking with a developer about a change to his github project, and he suggested a pull request would be a good idea - can someone clarify what that means? I'm assuming it means I should contribute the change to his project?