latest 8 messages by nvdpl

+ [2014-11-11T17:04:34Z] nvdpl Not sure what the problem is, but using bundler solves the issue.
+ [2014-11-11T17:04:23Z] nvdpl It is installed.
+ [2014-11-11T16:49:49Z] nvdpl I tried to replace autoloads with requires, and its working - I am able to move forward.
+ [2014-11-11T16:49:30Z] nvdpl Any idea where the above problem might come from?
+ [2014-11-11T16:45:37Z] nvdpl Empty rvm gemset, 2.5.1 gives me this ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4@test/gems/mercenary-0.3.4/lib/mercenary.rb:20:in `program': cannot load such file -- mercenary/program (LoadError)
+ [2014-11-11T16:40:08Z] nvdpl Is Jekyll suppose to work with ruby > 2.1
+ [2014-11-11T16:39:48Z] nvdpl Anyone here? :-)
+ [2014-11-11T16:39:45Z] nvdpl Hello.