latest 13 messages by octopressfan

+ [2015-08-29T07:35:56Z] octopressfan mmm ok i will see what is really happening
+ [2015-08-29T07:35:19Z] octopressfan But I saw the commits on github!
+ [2015-08-29T07:34:10Z] octopressfan it makes a commit but not exists on git log
+ [2015-08-29T07:33:00Z] octopressfan like if i used rake deploy, that will make a new commit
+ [2015-08-29T07:29:47Z] octopressfan uber_hulk, thibaultcha , ok after git stash, and git rebase -i HEAD~5, I got last 5 commits for the octorepo not the commits i made to my blog?
+ [2015-08-29T07:18:24Z] octopressfan thibaultcha, seems familiar to u?
+ [2015-08-29T07:13:43Z] octopressfan mm another thing which puzzles me, when i run "git log" i only see logs for commits for original octopress repo, not the commits i made!?
+ [2015-08-29T07:11:17Z] octopressfan thibaultcha, when using rebase, i got Cannot rebase you have unstached changes
+ [2015-08-29T05:23:05Z] octopressfan I'm using octopress using github pages, I wanted to know how to delete specific commit log history from github without changing the code state?
+ [2015-08-29T05:22:26Z] octopressfan I'm using octopress using github pages, I wanted to know how to delete specific commit log history from github without changing the code state?