latest 15 messages by oddover

+ [2015-01-28T15:28:13Z] oddover (everything without an extension is a directory)
+ [2015-01-28T15:27:28Z] oddover something like this:
+ [2015-01-28T15:25:22Z] oddover lemme make a pastebin of my hierarchy
+ [2015-01-28T15:24:58Z] oddover I have a directory tree with pages
+ [2015-01-28T15:24:30Z] oddover the problem I have with that is it's not hierarchical. all the links are at one level
+ [2015-01-28T15:24:10Z] oddover so, this?
+ [2015-01-28T15:21:39Z] oddover how would I go about creating a pagetree (or table of contents) for a collection?
+ [2015-01-27T16:14:02Z] oddover is there a way for jekyll to use the file name (without the extension) as the title for a page?
+ [2015-01-27T00:44:10Z] oddover ok. thanks
+ [2015-01-27T00:40:35Z] oddover showing all the pages inside of it, recursively
+ [2015-01-27T00:40:05Z] oddover I want a TOC for that directory
+ [2015-01-27T00:40:01Z] oddover well, in my jekyll directory, I have a doc directory
+ [2015-01-27T00:38:51Z] oddover another question. I have a directory (not _posts) that I want to make a TOC for. how would I do that?
+ [2015-01-27T00:37:53Z] oddover hi all. I was wondering. Do all markdown files, that I want to have rendered as pages, need to have the frontmatter?