latest 20 messages by ohnx

+ [2017-03-24T03:35:28Z] ohnx iirc, GitHub automatically builds README files
+ [2017-03-24T03:34:56Z] ohnx jeffreylevesque: you probably want to call the file README.rst
+ [2017-03-24T01:58:40Z] ohnx some IP is trying to authenticate as me
+ [2017-03-24T01:55:44Z] ohnx like an IP from AS36459
+ [2017-03-24T01:55:33Z] ohnx nedbat: it would mean connecting from an IP that GitHub manages
+ [2017-03-24T00:51:15Z] ohnx is there a way to access IRC via a GitHub IP?
+ [2017-03-11T16:46:50Z] ohnx forgot to say thanks :)
+ [2017-03-11T16:26:13Z] ohnx i have something that resembles front matter in one of my markdown files ._.
+ [2017-03-11T16:26:02Z] ohnx that's why!
+ [2017-03-11T16:25:59Z] ohnx oh
+ [2017-03-11T16:24:29Z] ohnx but it will still be parsed by jekyll
+ [2017-03-11T16:24:20Z] ohnx i mean, you can upload the static html
+ [2017-03-11T16:23:50Z] ohnx everything gets run through keyll
+ [2017-03-11T16:23:42Z] ohnx nope not anywmore
+ [2017-03-11T16:23:05Z] ohnx i wish there was some way to turn off github pages running everything through jekyll...
+ [2017-03-11T16:22:43Z] ohnx finally... my site works
+ [2017-03-11T16:20:20Z] ohnx i can't ruby
+ [2017-03-11T16:19:41Z] ohnx *
+ [2017-03-11T16:19:40Z] ohnx exclude
+ [2017-03-11T16:19:38Z] ohnx gah it doesn't work with wildcards