latest 6 messages by ohthehugemanatee

+ [2013-12-01T17:40:25Z] ohthehugemanatee octopress dead as a doornail? Am I late to the party, or what?
+ [2013-12-01T17:15:34Z] ohthehugemanatee hey everyone. Still looking for the answer to my question from yesterday: does octopress allow me to set the frontpage to use post summaries rather than full text? and can I set the trim length of the summaries?
+ [2013-12-01T04:16:06Z] ohthehugemanatee out of the box, it wants to take the full post. I know there are plugins available to make sensible HTML trims, but I figured I'd ask here to see if one was included with octopress.
+ [2013-12-01T04:15:04Z] ohthehugemanatee Can anyone help me set the trim length of posts on the front page?
+ [2013-12-01T04:14:45Z] ohthehugemanatee hey ho octopressers. I'm setting up my octopress single user blog site for the first timeā€¦ moving from Drupal. thank you for all the hard work!