latest 6 messages by olivierrr

+ [2015-01-22T03:35:42Z] olivierrr It's still happening. I had made a github page with the same name as the _post's tittle, i think that's the source of my problem.
+ [2015-01-22T03:28:51Z] olivierrr So i guess github didn't rebuild properly
+ [2015-01-22T03:28:11Z] olivierrr Hm, cleared cache and they are still appearing.
+ [2015-01-22T03:25:46Z] olivierrr p.s. it's hosted on github
+ [2015-01-22T03:25:41Z] olivierrr Has anyone had this issue? how do i deal with it?
+ [2015-01-22T03:24:42Z] olivierrr I deleted some _posts from jekyll and they seem to still be showing up.