latest 20 messages by ollehar

+ [2020-01-17T14:58:14Z] ollehar sorry,
+ [2020-01-17T14:58:08Z] ollehar
+ [2020-01-17T14:58:06Z] ollehar The API docs mention only the LAST year.
+ [2020-01-17T14:57:57Z] ollehar Can I get commit statistics for ANY year from github?
+ [2017-02-18T22:12:37Z] ollehar jaybe: modifying the lexer .rb file should be enough, no?
+ [2017-02-18T21:57:04Z] ollehar jaybe: add new keywords to rouge?
+ [2017-02-18T21:32:10Z] ollehar this is a dialect of ML, so I need to add new keywords
+ [2017-02-18T21:31:58Z] ollehar seems like the ML syntax _removes_ the "let" keyword
+ [2017-02-18T21:28:05Z] ollehar anyone*
+ [2017-02-18T21:28:02Z] ollehar any knows how to customize the syntax highlight?
+ [2017-02-18T18:42:03Z] ollehar thanks
+ [2017-02-18T18:07:36Z] ollehar something like this:
+ [2017-02-18T18:07:12Z] ollehar filters, I don't know
+ [2017-02-18T18:07:08Z] ollehar I've found {% include ... %} but that's not the right use-case
+ [2017-02-18T18:06:47Z] ollehar mini-template
+ [2017-02-18T18:06:43Z] ollehar jaybe: so can I make something like {{ this will be a tip | tip }}