latest 20 messages by oller

+ [2013-07-01T21:32:15Z] oller that's again jaybe, appreciate it :)
+ [2013-07-01T21:31:59Z] oller *job
+ [2013-07-01T21:31:56Z] oller muter, wasn't thinking - just wrapping each individual {% %} with raw / end raw is allowing pigment to do it's kob
+ [2013-07-01T21:25:17Z] oller is there a way to escape liquid tags so the pygment would parse them?
+ [2013-07-01T21:23:59Z] oller ah ok cool, that echoes it out but not through the pigment lexer
+ [2013-07-01T21:19:15Z] oller if i want to use liquid tags in the highlight code, how do i do that?
+ [2013-07-01T21:18:38Z] oller bit of an odd one this time, the inbuilt {% highlight %} syntax highlighting with pygment
+ [2013-07-01T21:18:13Z] oller got that working - thank you jaybe
+ [2013-07-01T20:05:22Z] oller be the correct format to echo out that data
+ [2013-07-01T20:05:13Z] oller ah ok, shall try that - in any case, should page.parent.child
+ [2013-07-01T20:03:26Z] oller but that's echoing out with a for loop
+ [2013-07-01T20:03:18Z] oller i'm successfully using single space elsewhere
+ [2013-07-01T20:02:54Z] oller sorry,
+ [2013-07-01T20:01:23Z] oller single space before and after the dash for each sub-property
+ [2013-07-01T20:01:00Z] oller - caption: Flickr
+ [2013-07-01T20:00:59Z] oller - image: /assets/img/posts/2013-07-01_alps.jpg
+ [2013-07-01T20:00:59Z] oller masthead:
+ [2013-07-01T20:00:57Z] oller I have done, a direct paste is..
+ [2013-07-01T19:57:23Z] oller i thought page.img.url would do it - but no luck
+ [2013-07-01T19:57:14Z] oller (this is in a page)