latest 20 messages by osfameron

+ [2017-05-14T22:22:03Z] osfameron otherwise if you need the flexibility, something like
+ [2017-05-14T22:21:49Z] osfameron if you're in a loop
+ [2017-05-14T22:21:47Z] osfameron batteur: {{ forloop.index }} for example?
+ [2017-05-14T22:21:30Z] osfameron batteur: yes, sure
+ [2017-05-11T16:37:48Z] osfameron great, sounds like you know how to mitigate the risks, but you can see why they don't include it as a default in liquid :-)
+ [2017-05-11T16:33:10Z] osfameron well, a plugin that let you call {% gitlog ... %} would be a much better idea than one that let you do {% system "git log ..." %} but you could write either ;-)
+ [2017-05-11T16:31:25Z] osfameron negaduck: that's a really bad idea, but you could do it with a custom plugin
+ [2017-05-04T20:50:23Z] osfameron that sounds like it's not a question about Jekyll?
+ [2017-04-02T13:30:38Z] osfameron especially when you also have to do it in non-liquid assets, like CSS
+ [2017-04-02T13:30:25Z] osfameron gah, I really do hate all the baseurl wrangling
+ [2017-04-01T21:13:14Z] osfameron pesky computers ;-)
+ [2017-04-01T21:13:10Z] osfameron ah yes, using imagemagick with -auto-orient fixes it
+ [2017-04-01T19:04:44Z] osfameron presumably simply sets the exif bit, rather than actually rotating the image :-(
+ [2017-04-01T19:04:26Z] osfameron ah, it looks like it's not well supported in browsers:
+ [2017-04-01T19:03:18Z] osfameron tries to figure out if it's a CSS thing
+ [2017-04-01T19:03:05Z] osfameron presumably there is a rotation bit set in .jpg that isn't being honoured?
+ [2017-04-01T19:02:49Z] osfameron even though if you open the image in a separate tab, it's rotated correctly
+ [2017-04-01T19:02:31Z] osfameron huh. I have an image in a post which is displaying rotated wrongly
+ [2017-03-18T10:26:24Z] osfameron anyway, I should head off. catch you later! &
+ [2017-03-18T10:26:02Z] osfameron as it's unclear when you select the category what's happening (it'll probably be clearer when you have content of course)