latest 4 messages by ovrstorm

+ [2015-03-17T01:40:55Z] ovrstorm Sorry missed you jaybe, I can't seem to get site.categories or site.tags to return anything for files that are not in _posts am I missing something?
+ [2015-03-13T03:51:29Z] ovrstorm So despite how the docs read site.categories and site.tags can only be set in the front matter for posts. :-(
+ [2015-03-03T07:53:29Z] ovrstorm looks like - {{ content | replace:'.md','.html' }} is going to work for starters
+ [2015-03-03T04:47:46Z] ovrstorm What do I need to do to get jekyll build to take a link in a markdown file like [My Link]( and change it to [My Link](file.html) in the output html file?