latest 18 messages by p4trix

+ [2017-01-31T23:22:38Z] p4trix check out the end
+ [2017-01-31T23:21:58Z] p4trix Is there a way of including sounds like Emojis in issues? Like "/play bell"
+ [2014-08-25T09:08:55Z] p4trix Yup. Thats sounds pretty optimal to me. Thx man.
+ [2014-08-25T09:06:03Z] p4trix Git ignore again I guess
+ [2014-08-25T09:05:36Z] p4trix Yes, its good. But wouldnt I overwrite them everytime I merge the development branch each one of them?
+ [2014-08-25T09:04:47Z] p4trix Yes
+ [2014-08-25T09:03:57Z] p4trix Its more than one file, and different versions.
+ [2014-08-25T09:02:43Z] p4trix thx Mouzz. Yes Lebbe, the last option you said is pretty interesting. Would that be inside of the same repo? Or would it be an extra repo for the config files?
+ [2014-08-25T09:00:19Z] p4trix thx anyway Lebbe :)
+ [2014-08-25T08:59:51Z] p4trix ahaha
+ [2014-08-25T08:59:50Z] p4trix Yeaa, thx. As I wrote the last line, the idea came into my mind
+ [2014-08-25T08:56:33Z] p4trix Basically its a merge, ignoring 1 file.
+ [2014-08-25T08:55:46Z] p4trix Hello, I have following usecase: A webApp with 2 branches. 1 for development and the master branch. I want to test stuff in the develop branch locally and then merge it into the master branch. But I want to do this not changing the config file. What would be the right way to do this? :)
+ [2014-08-22T12:28:11Z] p4trix :D
+ [2014-08-22T12:28:09Z] p4trix thx knod
+ [2014-08-22T12:21:52Z] p4trix Or do I have to do something else or so?
+ [2014-08-22T12:21:42Z] p4trix adding a colaborator from the options?
+ [2014-08-22T12:21:01Z] p4trix Hey all. I have a private repo and want to give a user access to it. Would anyone kindly quickly tell me how to do it? From the website if possible.