latest 14 messages by parkp

+ [2013-12-16T13:45:17Z] parkp I think that I understand better.. unicorn is looking for the vendor/bundle/ folder that are generated on heroku but not on local, so it can read jekyll updates... do you now to make unicorn ignore some folder ?
+ [2013-12-16T12:42:39Z] parkp I tried..
+ [2013-12-16T12:39:00Z] parkp so i don't understad...
+ [2013-12-16T12:38:53Z] parkp the html code is not indicate these links to jekyll updates :
+ [2013-12-16T12:35:51Z] parkp I merged a unicorn-jekyll-heroku config with the so-simple theme
+ [2013-12-16T12:33:03Z] parkp ?
+ [2013-12-16T12:33:01Z] parkp jekyll build
+ [2013-12-16T12:32:06Z] parkp but I don't have any /vendor folder
+ [2013-12-16T12:31:49Z] parkp the link shows /vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/jekyll-1.1.2/site/jekyll-1-1-2-released
+ [2013-12-16T12:30:46Z] parkp But I didn't find them !
+ [2013-12-16T12:27:30Z] parkp My website displays "Jekyll 1.1.2 Released" on my article lists, but I don't want it
+ [2013-12-16T12:26:32Z] parkp I try to understand something
+ [2013-12-16T12:26:26Z] parkp yet
+ [2013-12-16T12:25:32Z] parkp hi everyone, I just updated my jekyll website on heroku with unicorn !