latest 20 messages by paul_erdos

+ [2015-09-18T14:58:26Z] paul_erdos anyone know how to get jekyll to compile literate coffescript?
+ [2015-09-18T06:42:50Z] paul_erdos pinganyone know how to get jekyll to compile literate coffescript?
+ [2015-09-18T05:56:34Z] paul_erdos anyone know how to get jekyll to compile literate coffescript?
+ [2015-06-19T21:12:10Z] paul_erdos it's enough to go on
+ [2015-06-19T21:10:13Z] paul_erdos as I write new posts, just get, say,
+ [2015-06-19T21:09:52Z] paul_erdos no, yeah, I want to access them generically
+ [2015-06-19T21:08:30Z] paul_erdos you specify a date, title, whatnot, but you can't make a permanent link to it
+ [2015-06-19T21:08:19Z] paul_erdos so, the builtin blog?
+ [2015-06-19T21:07:47Z] paul_erdos anyone know how to get links for blog posts?
+ [2015-06-06T00:24:34Z] paul_erdos there must've been something in the original index.html that did somesuch and whatnot
+ [2015-06-06T00:24:15Z] paul_erdos I just need to figure out how to get it to deal with the CSS'
+ [2015-06-06T00:24:04Z] paul_erdos oh, ok, it technically works now
+ [2015-06-06T00:21:58Z] paul_erdos the domain, however, has to use A or ALIAS to point to the github hosted page
+ [2015-06-06T00:21:35Z] paul_erdos oh, no, the CNAME is fine for github -> domain
+ [2015-06-06T00:17:44Z] paul_erdos I'll push this and see if it can deal