latest 16 messages by pederindi

+ [2014-11-11T01:40:39Z] pederindi "solved"
+ [2014-11-11T01:40:34Z] pederindi [](
+ [2014-11-11T01:38:50Z] pederindi []:
+ [2014-11-11T01:38:41Z] pederindi and as a footnote
+ [2014-11-11T01:38:38Z] pederindi []
+ [2014-11-11T01:38:21Z] pederindi I found a strange way
+ [2014-11-11T01:35:38Z] pederindi is not showing as a hyperlink, what to do?
+ [2014-11-11T01:35:28Z] pederindi for example
+ [2014-11-11T01:35:17Z] pederindi Hi, jekyll is not rendering hyperlinks of markdown posts
+ [2014-11-10T23:46:24Z] pederindi jaybe: thanks for your atention!
+ [2014-11-10T23:45:15Z] pederindi jaybe: I think there is not explained
+ [2014-11-10T23:43:34Z] pederindi nice to know jaybe
+ [2014-11-10T23:43:10Z] pederindi so for easier follow of the commits, I should put _site in .gitignore, and remove it from the github repository no?
+ [2014-11-10T23:41:19Z] pederindi one question, when I commiting my github page with jekyll in github, is needed to put the _site folder? seems that github generates its own _site folder
+ [2014-02-15T23:35:52Z] pederindi hi, how to put the blog inside a page, in my case: page news,