latest 20 messages by pedro_morgan

+ [2015-03-12T23:52:00Z] pedro_morgan WHAW. .got a message back and account whitelisted.. .amazing.. am certainly impressed !!!!!! ;-)))))))))))))
+ [2015-03-12T23:38:28Z] pedro_morgan jssjr:
+ [2015-03-12T23:21:09Z] pedro_morgan now I;m inportign around 1600 issues, so unsuer how to go about this as it means reqriting my script somehow...
+ [2015-03-12T23:20:44Z] pedro_morgan I'm trying to migrate issues from google code to github, but get message "You have triggered an abuse detection mechanism and have been temporarily blocked from content creation"....
+ [2015-01-01T04:37:31Z] pedro_morgan anyway.. USA style.. .. We Sang "Olde lang zine tonite" and hen fire works......(yes they were cooking also) hens in valleys
+ [2015-01-01T04:35:10Z] pedro_morgan What I want is the first link with "revel.Result" to link to manual, but also a little icon next that links to the "api docs" and the "source code" ie a three in one link..
+ [2015-01-01T04:31:10Z] pedro_morgan pontiki: Your probably not a golang coder.. but look at this for me..
+ [2015-01-01T04:28:24Z] pedro_morgan pontiki: Out of curious.. where are u. I'm in wales UK and it 4 ish and its 2015.. Happy New Year
+ [2015-01-01T04:27:18Z] pedro_morgan tag #1 If u want to use the {{cache}}" << and this will create a link to "cache" manual
+ [2015-01-01T04:26:15Z] pedro_morgan What I want is in the "markdown" is to include my own tags..
+ [2015-01-01T04:25:49Z] pedro_morgan No its not as complicated as that...
+ [2015-01-01T04:25:02Z] pedro_morgan 2015 I need to lern ruby and create a plugin ??
+ [2015-01-01T04:24:33Z] pedro_morgan Hey apologies.. I'm a basic > vb > php > python > golang developer... and my tool is jekyll in ruby and I never coded in that .. ever ;-)
+ [2015-01-01T04:22:29Z] pedro_morgan and godoc is crap, jekyll i alright with md, sphinx I hate with e vengange, and docygen keeps me sane ;-) (am 50 this year in a few months.. and still got me hair)
+ [2015-01-01T04:21:28Z] pedro_morgan yea kinda.. I need to map "objects" to code..
+ [2015-01-01T04:20:38Z] pedro_morgan /me.. so we do it another way..
+ [2015-01-01T04:20:19Z] pedro_morgan ok.. so I am now very happy u confirm that fact ;-)
+ [2015-01-01T04:19:53Z] pedro_morgan converter == plugin and I cant run that on github...!!!