latest 20 messages by pepper_chico

+ [2014-02-06T10:56:21Z] pepper_chico I'd like something shorter than use divs...
+ [2014-02-06T10:55:45Z] pepper_chico <div>{% assign images = page.images.encontro-3 %} {% include flexslider.html %}</div>
+ [2014-02-06T10:54:43Z] pepper_chico or something to make it know, it's html
+ [2014-02-06T10:54:26Z] pepper_chico ah, maybe put all inside a div...
+ [2014-02-06T10:53:19Z] pepper_chico I suppose this is happening because I'm including inside markdown
+ [2014-02-06T10:52:48Z] pepper_chico how can I change that?? all html is being escaped
+ [2014-02-06T10:51:37Z] pepper_chico the content of the include is getting html escaped, for some reason
+ [2014-02-06T10:50:32Z] pepper_chico but, there's still a problem
+ [2014-02-06T10:50:22Z] pepper_chico there's no need for it, and also no quotes in the include
+ [2014-02-06T10:50:06Z] pepper_chico that excerpt foo.html, in truth is used inside the markdown the assign
+ [2014-02-06T10:44:51Z] pepper_chico I'd like to make that short
+ [2014-02-06T10:44:36Z] pepper_chico that excerpt foo.html, in truth is used inside the markdown
+ [2014-02-06T10:44:11Z] pepper_chico I do use range with page, and it works